Visitor Centre

"The whole project looks just right for the spot, welcoming, versatile and well built, so I would see it serving a very useful purpose for many years to come. Thank you for putting so much effort into the job, I know only too well how difficult it is to achieve such a good finish.” Sarah Troughton - Trustee Blair Charitable Trust

We were commissioned by the Blair Charitable Trust to undertake a feasibility study into the development potential of an existing site at Old School Park, Blair Atholl. The boundaries of the Cairngorm National Park Authority were likely to change and Blair Atholl would become the first village in the National Park when approaching on the A9 from the South. 
A feasibility plan was developed for the site in consultation with the client group, project sponsors and the local community. The scheme that evolved allows incremental growth, not compromising existing businesses. A new visitor square ties together  tourist information, exhibition, education facilities, ranger services, catering and retail outlets. 
We gained funding support from the Cairngorm National Park Authority, Perth & Kinross Council and Scottish Enterprise. 

contact us

We no longer take new commissions so we cannot assist if you have a project in mind. If you want to contact us about our completed work, you can email us at